
All the Fits that's News to Print

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Wikpedia Time

Knowledge is Power
Keep it free for everybody

Here's a thought: Why not give a dime? I finally couldn't stand the banners, band when I thought about it, I realized this was something I use so often, and even contributed to Wikipedia, I really couldn't justify not making a contribution.

Jimmy Wales, say what you will, rocks in my view. 

Wikipedia is the Internet at its best, in my view - and I have been online since 1984, with DFio-net, local BBSes and such before the InterWeb even got going.  And tell me you've never used Wikipedia. No?  Look I know you, ir you are like 99% of Internet users today.  And 99.5% of all human beings: like you've never masturbated.  :-)  Don't try to fool a pro - at both! Ha!

So, go pay for it, you freeloader!

Wikipedia Affiliate Button

Wikipedia Affiliate Button

Wikipedia Affiliate Button

Wikipedia Affiliate Button

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